Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I've created this blog to help archive my healing process through the surgery that is known as a "septoplasty." Through my surgery, I looked at lots of blogs that helped me get through it, so I also hope I can help others.

I made the decision to get a septoplasty after years of dealing with non-existent breathing in my left nostril. It made exercising hard, and sleeping damn near impossible. I would sleep with the window open (for cold air access) and with the ceiling fan on (for moving said air). My right nostril wasn't much better, as I was getting maybe 20% of possible airflow out of it.

Does this look familiar?

I setup a visit with my ENT (who I've known for a while, as I also deal with severe jaw and TMJ) and he confirmed that I would need surgery to correct what he called a "severe deviated septum."

Surgery was booked for the end of May.

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