Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 1: Sleepless Nights

The first day was rough, but not because I was pain.


But because I didn't sleep much last night. Maybe a combined 2 hours separated into 20 minute blocks the whole night?

It's hard to sleep because you can't breath through your nose. In addition, because you have to mouth breathe, you end up getting chapped lips and a dry mouth. My tongue even cracked a bit.

I passed time today by watching The Hobbit, followed by The Fellowship of The Ring. 

This is me trying to stay awake at 2PM.

The hours seemed to tick by so slow, but I made it to bedtime without much hassle or pain. I guess the Vicodin did it's job.

Tips for Day 1:
  • Keep water or Gatorade by your bed in case you get a dry mouth during the night (you will).
  • Try to sleep with your head elevated, as uncomfortable as it feels. Laying down at this point will only clog your nose more!
  • Keep a track of your meds. Don't skip a dose, you will pay for it later!
  • Keep the tissue box / gauze nearby. You are going to be changing it several times today.

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