Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 2: Am I Drowning?

Day 2 is where the shit hit the fan.

Around 2AM, I started getting nightmares from the Vicodin. I've come to understand that this is not uncommon, and combined with the fact that my nostrils were blocked, having a dream about drowning isn't exactly surprising.

It's the worst feeling in the world!

However, once aware that I was indeed not drowning, I had a panic attack. These splints! In my nose! I have to get them out!

Which can't happen, of course. They are sutured in, and won't come out.

I was able to calm down after about a hour, and came to the conclusion that I am not an anxious person, so this must be the fault of the Vicodin. I ignorantly fell back to sleep thinking that the drug would wear off in a couple of hours, and perhaps, I could go without it and the anxiety it caused.

The next few hours of sleep, if you can call them that, were absolute hell. I was still having nightmares, but I was aware that I was dreaming. That didn't make the dreams any less scary, nor did it help with the sleep paralysis, which seemed to last forever.

I woke up at 5AM. The sun isn't even up yet.

Is sleep too much to ask for?'s going to be a long day.

Tips for Day 2:
  • Do you need the Vicodin? Don't take the Vicodin if you don't need the Vicodin.

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