Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 17: I'm Really Sick

I know I'm updating a couple of days early, but I felt enough things happened to warrant an update.

About 24 hours after my post on the 13th, the flu hit me in full force. My nose is still a little sore from the surgery, but I did notice I did not have to blow my nose with much force to get the...junk...out. Chalk that up to having my septum being a little straighter, I guess.

I wished I looked this graceful when sneezing.
Sneezing doesn't hurt, really, but is a little uncomfortable. Kinda feels like a bruise getting poked, which is basically happening, I guess.

The flu has cleared up now, though. Still, I'm in that odd post-flu stage where everything kind of solidifies and you wake up unable to breathe in the middle of the night because you have all this heavy mucus up your nostrils. So, not out of the woods just yet.

I would caution anyone who gets this surgery to avoid getting sick two weeks before or two weeks after. It just makes things worse, contrary to what I thought, it got much worse than I thought.

See ya Friday.

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